Signs That Things Aren't Going So Well

You came up with a clever comeback... an hour later.
Signs That Things Aren't Going So Well

You are the president... of America.
Signs That Things Aren't Going So Well

The only time your phone rings is to tell you that your battery is about to die.
Signs That Things Aren't Going So Well

Lady Gaga thinks you dress wierd.
Signs That Things Aren't Going So Well

The only place that you can find love is in the dictionary.
Signs That Things Aren't Going So Well

Your friend didn't invite you over to the party at his house because, "you don't fit in." You literally can't fit through his doorway.
Signs That Things Aren't Going So Well

Turning your girlfriend on means starting up your computer.
Signs That Things Aren't Going So Well

Your plans involve what you will tell the police.
Signs That Things Aren't Going So Well

The conversation you had with yourself in the shower was legitimately fulfilling.
Signs That Things Aren't Going So Well

Your hand is on fire. So is the rest of you.